HELP! Tww and trigger tested out.


I am on my first trigger cycle (ovidrel) and I started testing out my trigger at 8pdt.. I am now 11dpt (2/5) and it is BFN... maybe a shadow of a line.... they want me to take a test on monday (2/10) which will be 16dpt.. I am so nervous now that it's back to bfn idk how to wait lol. I'm set for heartbreak, because I was yet wasnt prepared for the trigger bfp.. now that it's gone I CANNOT stop googling other people's trigger progression pics. On 1dpt I had the WORST cramps since labor with my dd#1.. and I have had morning hunger cramps every morning since 3dpt. Every other day I am still having slight cramping and am set to start AF in 3 days. But my breast are getting tender and I'm having the same pregnancy symptoms I had with dd#1 which also happen right before I start my period. So I am freaking out with the unknown... I am testing like 3x a day since 8dpt and I'm obsessing.... smh. The last 2 days there has been almost nothing and today when I tested with basically a bfn my heart broke even tho I knew it would come eventually. How many people actually come back with bfp at 14-16dpt. I never want to do this again lol agtwr 2 years of TTC I'm about ready to give up and be ok with an only child.. but we desperately want another. This is just so stressful... help! How do you get thru you tww?!?