Who initiates sex more frequently?

I literally asked my husband after he turned me down AGAIN (while I was straddling him and kissing him) when the last time HE initiated sex was. Because i couldn’t remember. And neither could he. Not only that, he turns me down 90% of the time and makes me feel ridiculous and like such an inconvenience for being horny ever.

I have tried lingerie, toys, massages, etc. I’m still just an inconvenience for wanting to have sex.

It’s so frustrating and I’m at such a loss 😔

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Posted at
Sex is very important in relationships. Intimacy is a must or the whole damn thing will implode. This is exactly how cheating starts.


Posted at
Maybe he should get checked if he is having a sudden low sex drive. It could be something more along a medical issue than an emotional issue. We can’t go without sex. 🤷🏼‍♀️🙃


Posted at
My husband had been the same way since we got together. Honestly we just don’t ever have sex now. I just wait until he leaves and get the job done myself. I was tired of getting rejected so I stopped trying