Anxiety about baby

10w4d. With second baby. Idk why, but I'm more anxious about miscarriage this time.

Maybe I was just naive? I was just so excited and had no bad feelings what so ever. I was impatient for the bump and my appointments, the same as I am now.. but last time I told close family, aunts and uncles early , my work as well because I was spotting for a week and dr ordered to stay off feet, so I had to let work know. But I was excited.

I AM excited this time, I cant wait to tell the world, but I can at the same time.. I want to tell more family like we did last time but I'm worried about what if there is no heart beat?

We have pretty healthy genetics and my firstoregnancy was healthy as could be.. why am I so nervous? Its almost like I'm in a but of denial still that I'm actually pregnant. Idk, it's weird. Maybe it's the exhaustion from having a toddler as well.
