I don’t know who needs to hear this ... I see you


I see you moms

I see you exhausted and sleep deprived

I see your painful cracked bleeding sore nipples

I see your tired arms holding cranky babes

I see you with throw up/poop/pee all over so your baby can be clean

I see you making dinner even though you’ve been home with baby all day

I see you trying to be a good wife/fiancé/gf/daughter despite it all

I see you wanting to grow 8 arms to do the neglected housework

I see you defeated because you can’t breastfeed and feel like a failure

I see you worry about every sound your baby makes

I see people giving you their unsolicited advice that makes you question everything you do/are doing

I see you trying to give your toddler attention even though your newborn is fussing

I see you forfeiting showers because there is no time.


You are great, you are the whole world to your baby and you are doing amazing!
