7w3d not convinced.


Okay, so... I have a 7 month old son. He was conceived with fertility drugs. I have PCOS. Since he was born I've had 2 periods. It took us 4½ years to get pregnant with him. We've had sex one time since he was born. Yes, once. I took a wondfo Jan 17th, it was positive but I noticed it was expired so I was like, yeah okay fake. So I bought another test the next day, it was positive before I set it down on the counter. The day after that I we went to our friends house, she had some digitals so I took one. It said wait 3 minutes for results, she set a countdown. At 2:31 it said pregnant. I go to the doctor on the 30th, they did a HPT there. Positive in a heartbeat. All SUPER dark BFP.

HOWEVER, I just can't seem to wrap my head around this. I keep thinking its not real even though its staring me right in the face. I was told I would never conceive naturally. They didn't even test my HCG so that hasn't really helped any. If they had I feel like it would have sunk in now. I have an US scheduled for Monday. I just keep thinking we are going to go and they'll find nothing. I'm in a weird place mentally and I just don't even know what to do to make myself stop!