sleeping on back



so boyfriend has been staying over for about 2 weeks now and is staying till baby is here. He says i constantly go on my back and will stay there for hours and when he moves me i just go back there. I’m worried as i can’t stop myself and don’t know when i do this.. i do put myself on my side to sleep but don’t seem to stay there, before i was pregnant i was always sleeping on my belly and back and never my sides. I’m 38 weeks pregnant can anyone say if they have slept on their back sometimes and baby has been ok? Baby is still moving but worried as he used to move in the morning but now only moves in the night or afternoon (i’ve told my mw but she says it’s most likely because he is engaged)

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Posted at
I been sleeping on my back since i found out i was pregnant. Its hard to get comfortable now and sleeping on my back is the only way I can get a little sleep. Baby is perfectly healthy. 💗


Posted at
Get a pregnancy pillow. Best decision of my life.


Rachel • Feb 7, 2020
Yours probably doesn't have a narrow enough gap then. When I would try to move to my back the pillow would be propping me up so I was still slightly on my side


Dayna • Feb 7, 2020
I have one and wake up on my back every morning haha


Posted at
Put a big pillow behind your back to stop you rolling on to it. It’s actually really comfy as you get bigger.


Posted at
I am the worst lol my baby was fine no issues your body will tell u