First official month TTC

Kristin • 32/ Married for 10 years/ Mommy to a 3 year old boy/Pregnant with baby #2! Thyroid Cancer survivor 👶🏼💙🤰🏽

My husband and I started TTC last year for a good 4 months but never got pregnant. I had a surgery scheduled 1/15/2020 to remove recurrent thyroid cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes in my neck. I feel that God just didn’t want us getting pregnant before hand as it would have postponed my surgery and it was just not his perfect timing yet.. So now that I’m in full recovery mode and surgery went well, we are officially trying for baby #2. Bought an ovulation kit from amazon and started testing yesterday as this is my ovulation week. Praying we can make this happen this month!

Baby dust to all mamas who are TTC ✨

This was taken today, as you see no LH surge yet!