
Had my baby appointment today. My due date is this upcoming Sunday the 9th but at my appointment they said it was the 16th🥴 Which had me super confused and they said something about going by my first ultra sound.. but anyways I got checked and I am 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced and -2 station. Can anyone tell em what the effacement and station mean? I am super excited to be making progress though 😇 It also didn’t hurt at all getting checked this time which was awesome, I’m wondering if it’s because I was actually dilated to something rather than when I was checked weeks ago in the ER. We have my induction scheduled for Valentine’s Day which will be nice because daddy will be home from work and have an extra day with us because of Presidents’ Day. It feels so much more real now that we have a date set and crazy that he could come before then😭❤️ Just feeling over the moon😇