Please help me answer this


Hello mommas, I am currently 31wks and 4 days. My water broke at exactly 30 weeks and been in hospital since on bed rest and a ton of meds. Today I did my NST and fluid check and my fluid is at 0, nothing, completely gone. I kept telling my nurses this morning that I was losing more fluid. It’s normal they said. I get it that they do this all day long but I too know the reality that anything can happen at Any moment and without constant continuous heart rate monitoring we don’t know if he just stops. Oh and did I mention that during the NST heart monitoring his rate was staying in 130’s normally he is high 150’s 160’s. But while being in 130’s he would drop down into the low 115’s which for the is almost ok and then he would bring back heart rate to 130. At one moment he came down to 90 when I was having a Braxton Hicks contraction. I drink 5 32oz things of water daily. I have been eating super healthy. I lay down all day. I now feel like this is not best anymore for them to keep me pregnant I think dr should deliver, so I need some input, should I leave this hospital and go somewhere else? Should I push for them to deliver? How much say do I really have? Can they deliver him if I say ok this is not safe I want you to deliver him? What do I do? Has anyone been in this situation?please help I feel broken confused and lost