Confused with AF and testing


So I’ve been using a few different apps to compare what they say... they’re all so different. Even with all the same data put it in. Last time when I had my daughter I just used glow and I conceived straight away.

According to my apps my AF is due on the following dates this month (7 Feb being today)

7 - glow

7 - clue

8 - flo

7 - Ovia

8 - FF

10 - PT

7 - health

I took the first response digital that comes in the test and reassure pack as it was the only one I had left I’ve been testing since 9DPO it’s 14DPO today

No period

Negative first response

Last time I had a faint positive with first response the line one and a pregnant with clear blue digital around 13 or 14DPO the day before or day of AF due

My chart is there too...

I happen to be taking my daughter to my GP today do I bother saying anything and pAying for a session for me too when it’s highly likely my period just turns up later today or tomorrow since I got another BFN


My BBT is still elevated today as well and has remained elevated after ovulation

I’ve had cramps and sore breasts but I’m still breastfeeding so I find it hard to tell what’s actually bf related or if there are changes etc