Major Placenta Preavis

Tayla🌼 • Two daughters 🌸🌸 13month Gap. 👶🏼 👶🏼 👼 healing from loss 😭 at 11 weeks pregnant. NOW -🌈 👶🏼 on board

Just looking for experiences with MAJOR placenta preavia or (complete)

I’m 22 weeks and have this, it’s complete so very low lying & my cervix is completely covered. With nearly nil chance it will move.

Just looking for some experience, from when your bleeding started, when was baby delivered.

I have to be out of my small town & in the major city’s by 28 weeks with the risk of bleeding out without proper help where I live near our rural hospital - i need to go 13 hours from here. For however long it takes for baby to come or something to go wrong.

Any info would be great. I know the birth will be c section that doesn’t bother me !