Am I pregnant?


So I stopped taking birth control in December 2019. I was on the shot and my shot was due then but didn’t go get it because me and my boyfriend want to try for a baby. Throughout my shot I had a period every month. In December I didn’t. January came and I got my period from 1/7-1/12 we have had sex every other day and then when it said I was ovulating we had sex through my fertile days and on ovulation day. I have been having lower back pains, cramping, been super moody, emotional, I get nauseous after I eat but I don’t throw up, and lately I have been sleeping a lot more. My period was supposed to come 2/4 but didn’t. I took a digital test before my missed period on 2/1 and it came negative. And the day of my missed period I took another test and it came back negative again. I am 4 days late as of today. I wanna test again but scared to get a negative. When should I try to test again?