Help ladies


So I’m 8dpo I got my first faint but obviously positive yesterday. I started having back pains last night and it carried on throughout today. I get back pains normally during my period talking like a few days in. I’m currently 6 days away from my period. I took a digital and it said not pregnant but my back is killing me and I’m beyond naseous and my sense of smell is 🤢. Anyway I took another strip test today and saw another faint line but my opk was way darker than yesterday’s opk. Has anyone experienced any of these symptoms this early and have had these same experiences with the darkening opks? The opk was so dark glow adviced me to start BDIng lol.... normally when glow says start a day and a half later I get a positive opk and I know opks and pick up pregnancy so should I wait u but I’ll Sunday and see what happens? I’m sure I’ve ovulated already

Yesterday’s test