Baby # 3


I’m pregnant with baby #3 and my youngest is 8 months. I’m slightly freaking out but overall super excited. It’s sad that I’m dreading telling my in laws because of their rude comments.

“Don’t you know what causes that?” “You should of enjoyed baby # 2 longer” “pregnant again” “so soon”

The list goes on and on. Anyone else feel the same?

Last time I checked, my husband and I pay our own bills, take care of our girls, have a house, and they are happy so why is it any of your business how many we have. Super frustrating. My MIL ALWAYS made comments about us having a baby when we got married and once we had our first daughter, she started comments about waiting longer before having more, not needing more than 2, etc.

ladies how did your LO handle going from 2 babies to 3? I’m thinking my girls will adjust fairly well, my oldest will be 3 when baby is born and my middle will be 17 months. They play together great now so I’m hoping it continues. My middle is very clingy to me so I’m hoping it doesn’t affect her too bad.