Anybody had a child referred to ENT specialist


In October my 5 year old was sick for an entire month.

She had an ear infection, amoxicillin didn’t touch it. She started with a high fever while on the amoxicillin so I took her to a different doctor who said she has an inner ear infection and she was put on a stronger antibiotic.

Finally the antibiotics worked and she gained back hearing after temporary losing it due to the infection(s)

Now here we are in February and the past few weeks she has been having trouble with hearing but I didn’t think anything of it because there’s been no fever.

Her school nurse called today and said her ears were hurting + she could see tons of build up of ear wax.

Took her to the doctor a bit ago and her ears were irrigated and big chunks of ear wax came from both ears. The doctor could now see that both ears are infected.

Her doctor started speaking in words I couldn’t understand lol (plus I was extremely sick and nausea from baby ) and talking about fluids not draining correctly, tubes, etc and saying she was referring her to an ENT specialist.

My mom and ex seem to think for sure she’s gonna have tubes put in her ears.

I know I will find out when I take her to this appointment but has anyone been through something similar? Does it sound like she will be needing tubes?