Still no period - question

So my new little boy is 9 weeks old. I haven’t breastfed since leaving the hospital at 3 days old and even then we formula topped up from day 1 (really low supply and then completely nothing). Anyway, I haven’t had my period. I bled for 2 weeks after and then nothing. Thing is... my husband and I have been using condoms but 4 nights ago, it broke. We aren’t sure if it broke when he was taking it off or what. But he thinks it wasn’t very full. I dunno when I should start to worry. Stupid question but could I have ovulated even though I haven’t had a period since having baby? How much longer should I wait on my period before taking a test? Hoping I get it really soon but if I’m actually pregnant again, we’d be okay. Had a c-section which is my main concern about being pregnant again so soon. Sorry for the ramble 😅