2 years now...

Geej • Step-Mumma, Mother to an angel (2015). TTC baby number 1.

Its been 2 years since we started trying.

5 years ago i had a miscarriage with an ex. Accidental pregnancy but it was so loved before we lost her.

Now my new partner and i are trying. Both had all the tests - we are fine. I ovulate. His sperm is fine. We BD as often as we can (every other day, sometimes every day) and nothing is working. Its been 2 years.

I feel like giving up. Day late this month, i felt sick, horrible and also positive that it was gonna happen as i had no spotting (usually do). Then today, AF arrived in full flow.

What can I do to help us? I'm in the UK and doctors seem to think they can tell us to "keep trying".