Funny story about my brother


Okay so a little backstory so my brother is 7 years older than me and also he has two phones one work phone and one personal phone and his knock off Apple Watch thing is connected too his work phone....

Anyway so my brother and I had a funeral to attend and he was gonna drive me. We where already like running late and my brothers goes wait I gotta piss. So like he is pissing and his so a sit down and his work phone is on the table. So I’m sitting there for a solid five minutes already and I go refill my coffee and stand in the kitchen. Then I come back when I hear my his phone vibrating like I’m about to answer it only to realize that’s it’s watch saying “ CONGRATULATIONS YOU RACHED 10 000 STEPS,” and I’m there like tf cause my brother is sitting on the fucking toilet and then it hits me. And so now I’m have a existential crisis sitting at my table like

And like after another atout of time idk how long it was it felt like forever. And he comes you and idk wtf to do cause like *shudders* he’s my older brother so WE GO TO THE FUCKING FUNERAL. N the whole time I’m just looking at him like....