I'm sorry guys, but let me brag about my hot mama.

ShelbyLoryn🌯🍺🤓 • 28 years young! 🤪👨‍👩‍👧🌶

I am 27 years old and my daughter is 9.. My brother is 37 and his daughters are 19 and 17( Not to mention. She's a great grandma of a little girl that's two.) and my sister is 31 and her daughter is 3 and this is my mother.

We all share the same mother and I have to say I am so flabbergasted at how beautiful she is at the age of 60.

Mama goals for damn sure!!

She taught me to be the mother I am. Very confident and independent. With absolutely zero plastic surgery. I hope to look like her in my future.🤣🙌😉😂👍

Let's take this opportunity to share pictures of our hot mamas.