For those who let their LO self ween (18 month+)


We’ve been on the long slow journey of letting my LO self ween. My LO is about a week away from his 2nd birthday & we haven’t nursed in about 48 hours 🤗!

So far in our journey what we’ve done is when he’s dropped a particular session for about a week, then we are done with it for good (I.e. when he asks again a few weeks later I let him know it’s not time for that). We’ve been officially down to once a day, just before bed, for a month or so now.

The last 2 nights, LOs asked for an extra bedtime story & when given the option of that OR mommy milk, he’s chosen the story. I guess I’m just trying to decide how I want to handle this going forward... do I let him go back & forth (some nights nurse others not) until he chooses for a whole week like we’ve don’t in the past. Or if I want to just say we are done. Or what?!?

Tbh I’ve felt ready to be done for awhile now, so I’m pretty relieved the end is in sight.

How did you know you were really done for good? Did you let you’re LO go for periods without & the still nurse if they wanted to days later?