Yet another sleep question!


I know everyone’s probably tired of the whole sleep topic but I’m really stumped on what to do.

My baby has been pretty good with night sleep.. no need for feedings anymore and slept a good 8-10hrs maybe waking once.. but only took half hour naps.. now all of a sudden he’s taking good naps (2 1-1.5hr naps and another 30 min 3rd nap) but wakes up 4-5 times a night crying and is restless while sleeping. I don’t rock him to sleep anymore. I put him down drowsy but awake. He falls asleep no crying. I try to keep him up 2-3 hrs in between naps. I swear I follow all the recommended sleep tips but he dosnt stay sleeping at night! Maybe he’s getting too much day sleep? It’s within the recommended day time sleep (3-3.5hrs). Currently has a stuffy nose.. he might be coming down with a mild cold but has no other symptoms. No cough or fever. Just congestion. But this only started last night. Bad sleep has been for the last couple weeks.. ever since he’s been taking longer naps.

I’m at a loss I have no idea what else to try. Any suggestions?