Circumcised Care

Sia 👽 • 2.6.20 👩‍👦💙 Baby E’s Mom 🥺

I’m gonna sound like such a cry baby but it’s our first day home, and everything is scary. Baby E was circumcised this morning and we were taught how to care for it, etc. I was told there probably will be a little blood on the wrappings we do for day 1 but as long as he isn’t active bleeding we’re fine. We’ll 4 am and he pooped while we’re changing him half way done I notice that as he was moving he put blood on his shirt and thigh, I wouldn’t say it was a lot but it definitely was scary. I want to call and ask questions but I don’t want to be that annoying mom. I should’ve took pics so you guys can have a visual 🤦🏽‍♀️

Anyone who had their boys circumcised did you notice any bleeding when changing the 1st day? (Not just on the wrapping)