Just a rant..

Not really looking for advice or anything as I’m just waiting for my period to come already. Just need to rant and can’t talk to my fiancé cause he just gets annoyed and tells me to stop worrying. I’m officially 3 weeks late today for my period. I’m always late, but usually just by 3-10days. Never longer then that and I just don’t understand. I guess I’m skipping a month for the first time. I started having pms symptoms a week before I was due to start (breakout, lightheaded, tired and light nausea, cramping my usual symptoms) so I thought I was gonna be on time or at least close. But nope. Still waiting. I wasn’t stressed or anything, although I am now. I’m still having the tiredness and breakouts. Little bouts of faint nausea here and there, along with intense hunger. Specifically for pinto soup😂. I’ve tested. 3 times over this past week. All stark white negative, so I know I’m not pregnant. I just want my period to come already 😖I’m exhausted. Me being late all the time and having all these weird cycles really worries me about my fertility. We’re not actively trying, but we’re also not preventing. Just, whatever happens- happens kinda thing. Well anyways, if you’ve made it this far thanks for reading. Just needed to vent.