Advice needed :)

Hi friends!

I just need a little advice... so here’s the situation: my boyfriend and I are renting a hotel on Valentine’s Day and we plan on ~doing the deed ~ 😍 this will be my first time and I’m super excited, however I’m a little worried about just one thing: I am super duper kinky but I haven’t told my bf yet.

I’m obviously going to talk to him about it, and I’m not worried about him judging me or anything, I’m just unsure if I should tell him before or after we have sex.

On the one hand if I tell him before and he’s into it, that will be amazing, but on the other hand, I’m suspicious that bdsm type stuff may not be entirely his thing in which case telling him before might make it awkward and kill the mood.

Thanks for any advice you guys can give!

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