What helped you get pregnant?


I’m just lost. I can tell AF will arrive in two days; feel like I know my body really well (and light spotting at 12 dpo). So my question is, what helped you successfully conceive?

I do OPKs, get two days of blazing positives around cycle day 17-20, and always get my period 14 days from the second day of the positive... we BD on those two positive days (thinking maybe we need to do the day after as well?)

I take vitamins, drink water, work out twice a week, I’m Gluten and Dairy free, we both don’t drink alcohol, I feel like I’m doing everything right yet everything wrong at the same time.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for as a response, just sick of feeling so alone bc no one around me understands as they all legitimately get pregnant the month after saying “we want another baby”.

I’m just defeated.. heartbroken.. lost?