Could this be my cycle regulating itself?

*Just to clarify I don’t have any STD’s I’m under a fertility doctor and ultrasound & hormones/ blood work have all came back fine*

So basically my periods were fine up until August when I started my period and it didn’t stop, I was put on a 10 day course of Norethisterone to force it to stop and hopefully regulate my cycle, it worked for a little while then the constant spotting/bleeding started again. I started a full period on the 28th of January and it lasted 5 days but then started a new period 3 days ago. Is having such a short short cycle (11 days from jan to Feb) a sign that maybe my periods may be regulating themselves again? Itsthe first “normal” period I have had for a LONG time it’s really heavy compared to what I’ve had (but really heavy is normal for me before this all started) if you made it this far thanks for reading! PFA of my cycles the past few months