Best thing ever!

Shirley • Married 💍 Third Time Mom♥️ 1st Baby born 01-25-2018 👧🏻 2nd Baby born 06/24/2020; 3rd Baby - Miscarriage; 4th Baby - Medical Termination diagnosis of Turner’s Syndrome

My 2YO will not take off her shoes. She can spend an entire day with shoes on & won’t take them off. The moment I take off her shoes, off go her socks! She can’t stand to have only socks on. Shoes she can deal with but not socks. I found these at Aldi’s for $5 & I bought 2 pairs to see how it would go. She thinks they’re shoes & does not take them off. I LOVE THEM! I put them on when she wakes up & let her roam around the house in them.