Husband never takes leave

Can anyone else relate?

My husband works six days a week and never takes leave. Whenever I ask there's a reason/ excuse.

He PROMISED he was going to take leave this week. He PROMISED he was going to take a Saturday here and there. Whenever I ask why not him, "oh that person isn't in" or "they asked me not to take leave" or or or.

Now he's not so productive this month, and the excuse this month will be "how can you expect me to take leave when I haven't sold anything". Last month, it was "how can you expect me to take leave when I'm so busy".

I'm just so disappointed.

***Domestic Goddess my husband took three days in October, one week a literal year ago and that's it. I have spoken to him many times about it because there are a LOT of things I want to do/ need his help with around the house but he's never around. He comes home late on top of never taking leave. All he says is "I know, I will take leave" but it never, never happens.

***Maddie, I'm a person who values time over money (which we don't need right now, he's had good salaries for the last three months so we've got more than enough immediately available, plus we've got savings plus we've still got his most tax money from last year).

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Posted at
This is my husband's 7th straight week of working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. He hasn't taken a day off since Christmas. He plans to work straight through until my birthday next month as well. I can understand his reasoning behind it, though. I know if I asked him to he'd take time off too, but I usually just let him work whatever schedule he wants to as long as we don't have anything else going on. He's a bit of a workaholic, especially in the winter when they're isn't much to do for fun around hereHave you sat down with him and told him what you said here? That you'd like time with him and are tired of his excuses?


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I'd probably be frustrated too. I am usually a hard worker, so I understand overdoing it & the pressure to work all the time. But, I also value quality time in my relationships. Hopefully your partner will be able to understand it's important to spend time with loved ones.


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I also want people's time more than money. I get how you feel and it's very frustrating. You can't force a person to take leave but rather continue to express how much you need him to take some leave. Sounds like you don't need any more money right this very second.