What brand can you trust?!



I’m only one month into seriously trying for our second and I’m so frustrated already. What brand of test can you actually trust?! Very single test I have taken has had a very clear indent or evap line. These are ash taken during time limit. If I didn’t know any better, I would think I would have conceived and not gonna lie I get my hopes up for a just a second when my eye catches a glimpse of a second line too 💔

My Walmart is all out of .88 tests every time I go so I can never buy those and usually the same with dollar store.

I’ve taken equate blue dye tests which look just like clear blue and I’ve taken first response pink dyes.

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I have never had a problem with Pregmate stick tests from Amazon. I’ve been using them for 2 years and never had a false positive or indent. They detected both pregnancies really early and followed my HCG back down after my miscarriage. I was still getting a faint line when my HCG was only 18.


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I fully trust First Response. Yours is negative & blue dye tests suck.


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Test only after missed period. No need to test before. The question then becomes am I or am I not pregnant, rather than which test is better.