

Okay ladies so heres my story i was on the depo shot for about 3 years i gained more weight then i have ever been even when i was pregnant i was only 135...i got on the scale one day and was almost 150 pounds im 5'2 and i was like no i got to make a change so i went off the shot and after a month i got down to 135 i was happy but still wanted to get down to my pre pregnancy weight which was 125 i have been watching my calories and working out at home and drinking nothing but water i am now 132.7 so i have lost a few pounds in 5 days. My body lately has been craving everything and i need some tips on how to maintain it bc i am doing good and i dont wanna gain it all back i was so mad at myself bc i ate a piece of cake at a birthday party yesterday but luckily it didn't hurt me..please help me with maintaining these craving!