Just wanna talk about my life


So, 2020 has been going more amazing than ever. 2019 I have to say was the most shitty year ever for me. My 34 year old brother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 2 of April 2019 by June 2019 it went into liver making it Stage 4 with only 8 months left to live. During my brothers diagnosis of cancer I was also going through some tests of my own because I’ve been sick the past 3 years with fevers, odd growing lymph nodes all over my body, full body rash , joint pain and chest fluid along with really bad blood count. On July 2 2019 I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. In August 2019 we figured out my brothers cancer was out of his liver,and his PET scan of December 2019 showed no active cancer. January 2020 My brother was suppose to get the Whipple surgery but it got canceled due to the tumor being too close to the main artery, he is now doing radiation currently to shrink it away from the artery so we are shooting for April for Whipple surgery. I got on a shot for skin rashes and changed my autoimmune medication of January 2020 so far I am feeling MUCH better. I feel almost normal, my blood test is still bad but not as bad, but at least I feel good rn. I’ve been looking for a job since I can actually get out of bed and do things without being in pain! I also met a sweet loving guy , we haven’t made it official but I am definitely enjoying his company. For those who go to church can you put my brother on your prayer list? We still have a long cancer journey to go! We are a bit worried since his tumor marker went from 37 to 200, but it isn’t too bad since last time it spread it was 600.