Need advice desperately!

Ok long story short, my husband works 7 days and long hours so when it comes to the baby sleep routine/night calls it’s always me. I had a decent routine going, she would sleep in her crib every night...till she was 6 months old. I think she went through a sleep regression and it was horrible! I was so tired and desperate that I made a bed for my daughter n I in the living room. She would sleep better with me but I didn’t trust having her in the bed with my husband bc he’s a crazy sleeper ( rolls, tosses and turns) so now she’s 14 months and we are still in the living room. I’m embarrassed to tell the moms I know cause I feel like a horrible mom but I need advice on how to get her back in her crib! Since she’s older the cry it out method is horrible, I’m trying to avoid that. Please keep any mean comments to yourself, I’m not perfect I’m just a first time mom trying to figure it all out...