Going Back on Anti-depressants


I'm going to talk with my doc this Friday about going back on my anti-depressants. The last week and I half I've really been struggling emotionally. I cry almost every day, often because of dumb things and I can't handle anything at all.

It certainly doesn't help that my husband and I are waiting to close on the sale of our company once the buying company closes another deal (and have been waiting since the summer) . We're low on cash, but once the sale goes through we'll be so much more comfortable, so for now not having enough money to pay the bills is really weighing on me. Plus I'm fed up with my job. I went back to work for someone else while we wait. I'm an entrepreneur at heart, so it's been tough.

Anyway, that's my rant. Please feel free to rant and/or commiserate in the comments. Be well sisters and make sure you take care of yourselves mentally! ❤️