Can you wear the patch for four weeks to skip your period?

I want to wear the birth control patch for four weeks instead of six to skip my period but not sure if that works.

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You can skip periods with it though. You just replace your patch every week and don't have an off week.


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Definitely discuss with your doctor and determine the best bc to achieve your desired results without hurting your normal bodily functions.


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4 weeks instead of 6? I thought you were supposed to replace your patch every week


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That can actually make you more fertile. That's what happened with me and the nuva ring. I would skip my period with it annnnnddddd now I have a 7 year old


christine • Feb 11, 2020
You must be a peach in real life and you must really love walls. I dont. Some advice since you do listen to people's statements, read a dictionary and learn the difference between results of a study the indicate possible side effects and scientific proof. Just remember you're literally pushing this hard to try and convince a women to go against her doctors orders because you did. That's insane.


Kayla • Feb 11, 2020
You didn't contradict my opinion, you said something that has no proof at all and now you're defensive over it. I can actually provide articles that show that doing that does not make you more fertile and the reason I chose that one was because it was so recent. There are definitely more out there. Just because I still had bleeding doesn't mean the method doesn't work. I have mirena now and it is approved to treat heavy periods and cramps but some people still have bleeding with it. In fact only 20% stop bleeding. Does that mean they should revoke the FDA approval for treatment of heavy periods?


christine • Feb 11, 2020
The simple fact that you used the nuvaring out of standards and it still didnt stop your periods is proof enough that the method she wants to use doesn't always work and she needs to talk to her doctor! You are on a high horse over being opinionated about something I disagree with. I will not agree with you and no matter how many times you reply I'm still gonna say you dont have the education to be able to tell this women to just take her BC however she wants. This isnt about proving yourself right it's about helping a fellow women not make a mistake based on opinion based advice and not scientific medical guidance