Ain’t it crazy


How every month when you miss your period you get nervous taking a test and when you finally do and you’re waiting for the results you sit there thinking of ways you’re going to announce that this month is finally your month and you sit there thinking on ways you’re going to surprise your husband who’s been wanting a baby for like ever but then you look down and see a negative and your heart breaks into tiny pieces and can’t help but want to cry because you feel like you failed again and think well there’s still next month I’ll keep trying and it’s the same thing you get out the restroom and catch yourself still looking on ways you’re going to surprise everyone even though you know deep inside it’s probably never going to happen or is this just me I hurt more looking on ways to announce that finally I’m pregnant when I’m not it’s hard seeing that your older sister always got everything you ever wanted in life without having a hard time I cry because I think and wonder if my family would do what they’re doing for her planning her gender reveal etc because I know since she’s the first one it won’t be the same for me like it’s always been

Sorry just need to vent a little to feel better I just want to cry but can’t because I don’t like getting asked what’s wrong because people get tired of hearing the same thing over and over 😢