To answer frequently asked questions:


CM/cervix position is NOT an indicatior of pregnancy. It changes throughout your cycle and if you do concieve, the cervix doesn't raise for a long while

•If your period is late but shows it is NOT implantation bleeding, it's your period. Impantation bleeding is not common in women, very few will get it. Also, it cannot happen any later than 12DPO

•You can NOT get pregnant during any time but your fertile window. Ovulation takes place once in your cycle and there's a set time for you to concieve.

•If you are getting negative blood tests, you are NOT pregnant. Blood tests are very accurate.

•Anything before 6dpo-12dpo is NOT implantation pregnancy related. The earliest you can implant is 6dpo and the latest is 12dpo.

•implantation bleeding will NOT be bright red, contain clots, and will not be any more than a spot or two.

•Pms and pregnancy symptoms are identical. The sore breasts, nausea, etc. You're feeling before 6-12dpo will not be pregnancy related

•You cannot get pregnant 1-5 dpo, the eggs journey to the uterus takes 6-12 days so your body will have no indication of concieving yet

I hope this helped someone