How I want to announce our miracle baby ❤️

Briony • Baby Riley 💙💙

Hello all! So I’ve been brainstorming different ways to announce our miracle baby and my due date is the 21st September. Because we’ve been waiting for this for soooo long due to infertility reasons on my fiancé’s part. So to get that positive test after years of trying was definitely what we dreamt of.

I didn’t want to just take a picture of my scan and then boom, announced! Ohhh no. I wanted it to be different. Soo my old college friend creates these beautiful memory boxes and I said to her I wanted it to be gender neutral and she totally listened to everything I said to her and this was the result:

A scan photo will be placed where the white piece of paper is. She even added some tiny socks and a hat with mittens which nearly made me cry 😭 it looks perfect to me.

I absolutely cannot wait to announce this pregnancy. Here’s our little bean below.