So hard to keep the PMA...

Ladies, just need to vent a bit. Been ttc for 3.5 years with two mcs along the way. I was last pregnant this time 3 years ago and it ended in June 2017. Two chemicals since. I'm awaiting <a href="">IVF</a> but treatment not due to start till Nov. We life in Scotland and get it free for 3 cycles but waiting list is massive!

So I'm in my TWW and other things in my life are going great, I have my own business, we just got a massive investor on board, my husband just got promoted, our home and three hairy babies (dogs) are all thriving yet there's this cloud over me all the time. Everything is tinged with sadness because I can't conceive. I'm going to be 35 in May and my dreams of having 3 kids are fading away. I wish I had the mental strength to focus on all the good but it seems pointless to be successful, if you have no little people to share it with ❤

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