Things just aren’t going as planned

This pregnancy will be baby #2, & although he was not planned, we were using protection because we were in the middle of planning our wedding which is now postponed until the following year, but this is such an exciting adventure! 😊

I am high risk due to past miscarriage, plus I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 2 years ago after my first son. I was told I would be high risk because of this & the medication I am on which I get every 8 weeks through an IV.

My OB just told me yesterday that I’ll be monitored very closely with ultrasounds every couple weeks to make sure baby isn’t too small, & that my cervix is still closed (colitis can cause preterm labour/small birth weight if it gets out of control, which it is not). That’s fine. I can deal with that no problem, if anything it’ll be nice to have extra pics of him.

But she then went on to tell me that I will have to be induced at 38 weeks because of the medication timing. I really wanted to go naturally as I was induced with my son & my labour was 3 days long, & he was in the NICU for a week & I was a patient for about 4 days because of complications. I’m just really disappointed I guess & really nervous about doing it that way again.

Any mommas that have been induced a second time have an easier time than the first? I’d love to hear your stories, good or bad