6cm to crowning in 3 contractions! 🤯🦸‍♀️


Had baby girl this morning, we didn't know what the sex of the baby was before and it was so amazing being surprised.

My water broke overnight at 2am, just like it did with my son a few years ago. Got to the hospital around 3am and had pretty manageable contractions until about 6am, then they got more painful. Around 645 I was pretty sure I was in transition or close to it. At shift change I asked to be checked because each contraction brought so much pressure. At 720ish the doctor said I was only 6cm (I was 4cm in the doctor's office yesterday, and 5 when I got to triage) but she didnt think it would be long since the baby's head was right there.

With the next contraction my body started to push. I was on my hands and knees and terrified I was about to shit the bed (even though I knew it was all feeling from the baby, and that pooping is completely normal). I think I was panicking and jabbering nonsense like "this hurts, I need to push, it's coming out, I NEED to be on my back".

The poor nurse was trying comfort me, get me flipped around, page the doctor and the NICU (I had meconium in my fluid) all at the same time.

2 contractions later I could feel baby's head crowning and luckily the doctor got set up just in time. I think with another 2 or 3 contractions she was out.

With my first I remember consciously pushing (for about 15 minutes, he was quick too). This one my body did all the work itself. I couldn't have stopped it if I wanted to! Less than 6 hours between my water breaking and meeting my little pickle.

My goal was to have another unmedicated birth and thanks to another quick labor, I was able to manage it. For a baby predicted to be in the 95%, I had a petite 8lb5oz little girl at 39 weeks. She's doing perfect and had no issues due to the meconium.