Gut feelings and baby gender

Lacey • Pregnant with #2 🥰

Anyone just had a gut feeling about what they were having and have it be right? My gut says girl but I'm hoping for a boy 😟

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I said from the beginning I was having a girl, I couldn’t picture it being a boy or even referring to baby as potentially a boy because it just didn’t feel right for some reason. When imagined life with her it was never a boy in my mind. I didn’t even bother picking out a boy name😂 I never had a doubt and I was right.


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I knew it was a girl early on and I was right. But more girls then boys run in the family


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My boyfriend and I both had a feeling we were having a girl and now we have an almost two year old daughter.


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not me, i thought for sure i was having a girl but turns out im having a sweet baby boy❤️ maybe you are right tho!! The chance is 50/50 after all:)


Laney • Feb 12, 2020
Whatever you do dont listen to the old wives tales. 90% of the ones I had pointed straight to girl and turns out they were wrong


Lacey • Feb 12, 2020
I'm hoping this happens for me too ❤️


Posted at
I had a feeling with my son that I was having a boy. So I was right on that one.