You slowly wean! Start with an oz less every cpl nights- offering milk earlier in the evening with dinner. You can try sippi cups and offering water instead as well. My daughter didn’t take to any sippi cups so we did less milk like I suggested. Fully weaned her from her bottle around 18/19 months. One night I just didn’t give it to her. It also helps to have a very consistent bedtime routine with little things that signal it’s time for rest. Making sure they brush their teeth after the last milk of the night is important too- milk rot is no joke! Here’s my bedtime routine for my 21 month and 5 month old that we’ve been following since coming home from the hospital: 630/7 we go upstairs. Bath if needed. Diapers/jammies. Play on my bed, read books/sing/snuggle. Lo gets swaddled, nursed and my partner makes him a bottle. I take my oldest to brush her teeth. I put lavender essential oil on myself and my partner. Turn on white noise and stars night lights in both babies rooms. My partner bounces lo on the edge of the bed till he’s asleep. I rock my oldest to sleep. If all goes well they are both sleeping by 8/830. My oldest has been sleeping through the night since about 8 months old. My lo has made it through the night a few times but still wakes atleast once most nights. Hope something I’m here helps you lady 😊