How I got pregnant after a year of TTC + symptoms


I know how difficult it is to get negative tests back constantly. So I decided to do a little research for December and January.

I started by looking into weight loss for fertility and found out that losing 3% of your body weight could seriously improve fertility. I ate healthy and lost a total of 15 pounds in December.

In January I started drinking as much water as I could stand to. All day, everyday.

I looked into vitamins that improve overall fertility (egg health, ovulation booster, sperm quality) I stopped taking a prenatal while I did this.

1. Folic acid

2. Vitamin E

3. Vitamin C

My partner took these as well. These helped me SO MUCH. My CM was better quality and a lot more than usual. I got my first ever positive ovulation test.

I had sex 3 days before ovulation, the day I got my positive ovulation test, and the day after. I laid there (legs up) for 5-10 minutes and made sure to pee and clean down there really well to avoid possible infections.

I also used Preseed.

After ovulation I had the feeling I was pregnant. That same week I became so so bloated and I am currently still bloated. I can’t fit in my jeans anymore. I had bad indigestion and heartburn. I still currently have mild “cramps” that feel more like a twitching in my left ovary. And definitely gas pains.

I did not have the typical sore breasts, nausea, and no implantation bleeding!

I waited until I was two days late for my period and tested. I immediately saw a line and took another test and they gradually got darker. I went to the hospital the next day to make sure and they did an ultrasound (I was too early to see anything) and a pelvic exam to make sure my cervix was closed. And a confirmation blood test and urinalysis for insurance purposes.