Still trying for my rainbow baby

Mercedes • Mommy of a beautiful baby girl (2 years old)! TTC baby number two🌈

I am a mom of a beautiful almost 3 year old girl, last February I became pregnant with baby number 2 but later found out in March that the baby had no heart beat, I would be 9 weeks but baby only measured at 6 weeks. I chose to take the medicine that would induce the miscarriage and went back to the dr after to make sure everything was good, they told me my lining was still a little thick but was fine. Fast forward to May and I’m having terrible breast pain so I go back to my obgyn ( not the one I seen first). So he does a pregnancy test and it’s positive but not from a new pregnancy since I haven’t had sex at all since the miscarriage. Long story short I still had tissue left in my uterus and ended up needing a D&C. I then became pregnant again this past October which ended in a chemical. I’m still active trying with no luck. Any recommendations? Should I see someone about my fertility?