Isolating myself PP


Hi ladies,

I have a 16 week old, she’s the sweetest, but I’ve been having a really hard time getting back to myself ... kind of feels like I don’t even know that person anymore. I feel like I’ve been living in my own head nowadays. I haven’t reached out to any friends and they’ve also rarely reached out to me since I’ve had my baby. After coming home from the hospital, I didn’t have any help. I basically did it all by myself. I don’t have many mom friends, only one to be exact ... she cane over and cooked and cleaned for me twice (that was a huge help and I truly appreciated it) My partner tells me that if I don’t reach out, I’ll eventually lose my friends. I just feel like they don’t understand what I’m feeling. They’re all single and still talking about chancing the wrong guys and I’m kind of tired of it (I don’t mean to be mean) I just really wanted someone to talk to about the new experiences I’ve been having as a new mom. I feel alone, but I don’t want to talk to anybody.

I sometimes feel like I want to stay in bed all day and sleep or crawl into a whole just to be alone with my own thoughts.

Anyone else feel the same?