Stomach flu low milk supply

Amy Niki • 👼 🌈 👧👶👶 Toddler & twin mom 💗💙💙 YOU are worthy of happiness

I got hit hard with gastro two days ago 😣 I was vomiting for 24 hours and couldn’t keep anything down and have had terrible diarrhea the entire time. It was awful! My baby is 7 weeks and exclusively breastfed. I continued to breastfeed her during, we did top her up with milk that I had pumped the first night when I was too sick to nurse. So far baby has been a very vigorous eater, she’s >99% percentile for weight and I’ve only had issues with oversupply. I’ve obviously been dehydrated and not eating although I’m trying my best now, but I’m worried about my milk supply. Normally I only use one breast per feeding which is 5-15 minutes and during the day she eats every 2-3 hours. Today she’s nursing 45 minutes every 1.5-2 hours and I’m having to use both sides. Tonight she was really fussy at the boob, I don’t know if it’s just because my milk is slower? Usually I have an overactive letdown. After a while she kept latching on then fussing and crying repeatedly. I could easily squeeze milk out, so I guess I’m just confused. My breasts feel really empty. I’m wondering if I should pump between feedings to try to increase my supply, I just don’t know if this will make it better or worse if I’m already dehydrated. Anybody have any advice? Just when I felt our breastfeeding journey was smooth sailing!