Husband doesn’t pay attention to me or our son.


My husband spends every moment he’s not at work in his computer room. He is obsessed with D&D and insists in going out to D&D meetings with his friends even if that inhibits me from picking up extra shifts at work. (I’m mostly a stay at home mom, but I work when I can to keep some income for myself coming in). We had a recent argument about this. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m afraid I’m nagging him too much and just pushing him away. I confronted him last night about why he wasn’t talking to me and he just said he was tired. It just doesn’t ring true.

He recently changed jobs to a lesser paying one because his former one was getting too stressful for him, but he would spend time with me before (even if it was very little).

He doesn’t clean up after himself either, but Ive pretty much given up on trying to get him to do anything.

I know the knee jerk reaction here is to leave him, but it’s not that simple. We have a son together who is on the spectrum. I don’t know how I’d survive as a single mom.

I’ve been really depressed about this lately. Feeling hopeless.