Post pregnancy clothes

So just wondering what’s all your choices of post pregnancy clothes? Reason I’m asking is my two other babies Iv just worn leggings and baggy tops for the few weeks after birth, witch obviously makes me look and feel bigger ☹️ and I hate feeling grumpy and gross. Well this time round with baby no 3 we are going away for a long weekend when baby will be just 4 weeks old. And I want to be able to enjoy myself as much as I can with my two other kids at the evening entertainment and stuff without feeling so insecure and ugly all the time 🙈So what other clothes can I try that won’t make me seem as “frumpy” and boring 😂 but still comfy enough as I’ll still prob be a bit sore. might seem like a odd question but I literally live in leggings my whole pregnancy and after pregnancy so have no idea what else to try! I’ll be going clothes shopping before we go away 😀