What's the longest car trip you've taken with your baby?



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We did a 7-8 hour trip 3 times since she was 1 month


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We drove from NY to NC when she was 4 months old and she did amazing. We left early so she slept a good chunk of the beginning then we timed our stops around her waking up and got her out of the car


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3 hours to the destination. Drove around sightseeing for 1.5 and then 3 hours back. She slept through all but the hour and a half. She was 4.5 months.


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We just drove straight thru 18 hrs to KS for my grandpas funeral. He did pretty good. We did most of the driving at night, so he slept a lot of it. 👍🏻


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We drove 4.5 hours to the beach when he was 3 months old. We took 2 breaks since he was so little. When he’s about 13 months old we’ll do 8.5 hours to South Carolina! 🤞🏻 Not sure how many breaks he’ll need then.


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We drove 16h to the beach when our son was 2m old but we're stopped overnight at a hotel