Have you ever fallen asleep during sex

Okay so there might be something wrong with me. I was really tired last night and ready to go to sleep but hubby was ready to GO. My tongue was raw (from chips) and my pussy sore (from so much sex over the week) so I was like no thanks. And he was like “hand job?” So I was like sure. So I’m giving him a handy and my eyes start to close and get drowsy and I’m like literally falling asleep while he’s watching porn, but still giving it to him. I finished him but I feel bad for falling asleep but I couldn’t help it. It’s not the first time it’s happened although it doesn’t happen often. I was on top of him riding him once and he was like just relax and lay down on me. So I lasted on his chest and he was inside of me and I started to drift away a sec cuz I was tired and he started thrusting again and woke me up (he was like that was cute). I mean I was relaxed but mostly tired. And once he was on top and I was like falling asleep while he was doing me.

No he doesn’t drug me, no I don’t drink, he does smoke weed and the second hand makes me tired sometimes. But like I don’t know does this happen to y’all? Ever? It’s not like I’m falling asleep all the time just a few times lol

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